Women's Knee-High Single Socks Tagged "women-knee-high-socks, style_stripe" - Socks n Socks

Women's Knee-High Single Socks

According to research on our brand, which creates a new style in America and is number one in the sector with its quality products, women love to wear high knee socks. When high knee socks, which emerged with the need for fashion, were loved by everyone, socks with different models and patterns took their place in the showcases. Instead of being surprised when you see women wearing colorful and different styles of socks in large halls and meeting rooms, buy one and color your steps! People want to buy these socks to reflect their personality more comfortably and make them happy.

Sizing Chart

Kids Socks Size Chart

SIZE US Shoe Size EU Shoe Size  Age
Small 10 - 13 27 - 30 4 - 7
Medium 13.5 - 3 31 - 34 8 - 10
Large 3.5 - 6 35 - 38 11 - 14

Men's Socks Size Chart

SIZE US Shoe Size EU Shoe Size  Age
One Size 7 - 12 40 - 45 Adult

Men's Underwear Size Chart

SIZE Waist Inseam Length 
Small 30 - 32 5"
Medium 33 - 35 5"
Large 36 - 38 5"
X-Large 39 - 42 5"

Women's Socks Size Chart

SIZE US Shoe Size EU Shoe Size  Age
One Size 4 - 10 35 - 40 Adult

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